
Howdy Lily Trotters fans! This is Coach Lora Erickson aka @theblonderunner. I am originally from Colorado but was recruited to Utah to run long distance for Utah State University where I graduated. I begin coaching running in college and have...
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Note: Prior to reading Liz's re-cap of her recent Barkley attempt, we highly recommend getting to know the Barkley Marathons through the following documentaries: "The Barkley Marathons: The Race That Eats Its Young" & "Where Dreams Go To Die." ----------------...
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Not that long ago, relative to my 20+ year ultrarunning career, I had a mental block against wearing compression while running. I was fully on board for compression used for recovery and compression to help with traveler’s edema. But to wear knee high compression socks while running long distances, I was a firm no.
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