Catra Corbett
Catra Corbett has an amazing story to tell, from a high school drop-out, and meth addict that served jail time to a colorful, energetic and confident ultrarunner. Inspired to run from her late father, Catra has now completed over one hundred 100-mile races and is the first American woman to do so. She runs every single day and it has transformed her life. What we love about her story is while she went from what many would say one addiction to another, she maintains that...”Running is not an addiction in the same way I was addicted to meth. I don’t feel trapped in a life of running the way I felt trapped by drugs. I don’t have to run. I choose to run.” Catra is truly unstoppable and holds the FKT for a double run of the John Muir Trail: over 400 miles in 12 days 4 hours 57 minutes. She has also podiumed in over 64 ultras across the country.