How to Stay Healthy at Home

Hunkering down? Extended Spring Break? Telecommuting? Whatever your reason for being at home, keep healthy and stay sane with these easy wellness tips.
Stay hydrated
If you’re not packing your reusable water bottle in your bag or making trips to the office water cooler anymore, this essential rule may fall by the wayside. Don’t let it! Chug water whenever you change activity, room, or task; get a fancy teacup and sip on some herbal tea while you work; or, easier yet, drink a glass whenever someone says “coronavirus”.
Take dance breaks
It’s too easy to get glued to the couch when you’re stuck at home--even if you’re committed to an exercise regime! Prevent stiffness and sluggishness with regular dance intervals (or plank minutes, if you will, but, really, what’s more fun?). Put on an upbeat song, check-in with your kids, and let everybody get loose for a couple of minutes. You’ll keep heart---and head--healthy throughout the day.
Considering global circumstances, this might seem like a “duh” task, but why not spring into serious action and clean those places that often get overlooked? Light switches, radiators, under appliances, baseboards--now’s the time to put the deep in “deep clean”. Plus, all that scrubbing and bending is another great way to keep moving!
What’s a luxury practice you haven’t given time to in a while? Go ahead and give yourself a manicure in the middle of the day, or apply a sheet mask while you’re on the clock. Lounge in your pajamas, light the tapers, bake those cookies at breakfast and eat them, too. Give in to something glamorous to beat the glum away.
Easily done no matter the size of your abode, mediation is a great way to manage stress, reduce anxiety, and improve sleep. Whether it’s yoga or mindfulness, one daily pose or one quiet minute, adding a meditation practice to your routine can do wonders to your day. It’s also a great excuse to create a technology-free space in your home where you can go whenever you need a “mental break”. Keep calm and carry on, right?
Find a hobby
It may not seem like you have any extra time on your hands for something you-centered (Mamas whose kids are homebound, here’s looking at you), but it may be the best time to make it a priority. Rekindle a hobby gone cold or pick up something new with easy online classes. Maybe it’s reading aloud with your partner or, who knows, lock picking? Whatever it is is sure to keep your mind more engaged and make your feel more productive than bingeing Outlander on Netflix (but kudos if you pick a hobby that allows you to do both at once!).
Get distracted
Having extended time at home can make us feel like lots of stuff can get done, but those expectations can ultimately make our time feel wasted-and leave us feeling defeated. Give yourself permission to slack off a bit. Not everything will get done, and if that’s the case, just work on enjoying and appreciating the day as it is. Your toddler may want a playmate--go ahead and play. The sun might be shining beautifully outside--go ahead and bask in it. Your bed might beckon at 10:30 in the morning--go ahead and have a snooze. There’s always work to be done, but we don’t always have to be working.
Be social
People who regularly work from home know how important a social calendar is; otherwise, you could go days without seeing anyone outside of yourself and whoever’s in the house with you. Now it’s more important than ever to keep in touch with family and friends. Perhaps you already video chat with loved ones pretty regularly--great! Go ahead and set up phone dates with friends. Calls might not be long, but they’ll keep you from feeling too isolated.
Massage your legs
This is a bit of a luxury as well as a wellness practice! Wearing your Lily Trotters Compression socks around the house--whether you’re working, studying, playing video games, or watching TV--will keep your legs feeling fresh and energized, as well as reduce your chances of varicose veins or a life-threatening blood clot. It’s a simple practice with serious benefits--and they feel great, too.
How do you take care of yourself when you’re staying at home? Be sure to let us know below!
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