In My Shoes

Susan Costa-Walston, founder and designer

I hear you loud and clear, ladies. You want your Lily Trotters and you want them yesterday. I am thrilled that our socks have received such a positive response before our first manufacturing run! It's been a very long road to get to where we are – over three years, to be exact – and nothing about this has been easy, though every challenge has certainly been worth it. Now we are so very close and we can't wait to launch!

Amidst the excitement, I am sure you have questions: What’s the hold up? Why can’t I buy my Lily Trotters right now? Allow me to shed some light.... First and foremost, our goal is to create and deliver a beautiful and functional line of compression socks that help women live and feel better – in style. Second, but equally critical, is to have everything designed and made right here in the USA. We are passionate about supporting our national economy. We will never compromise on quality, and this means we have to be meticulous every step of the way. Sounds easy enough to do, right? When I first came up with the idea for Lily Trotters, I thought so, too. The reality is that satisfying our high standards has affected our timing to launch our socks. And if you ask me, that’s okay. I can promise that turnaround time will progressively decrease once these initial manufacturing runs are perfected.

From a manufacturing standpoint, we have developed something very different than what exists. We went through countless prototypes and a comprehensive wearing study before we felt ready to meet our production minimums. Now, we have to contend with a six-week lead-time to receive our special order micro-nylon yarn (in custom-dyed colors). And we have tested – and are retesting – the compression in our socks to make sure that we consistently deliver a product that is not only aesthetically beautiful, but also performs second to none.

Every day brings new challenges, including all that is required to launch a Kickstarter campaign and to set up an e-commerce platform. Finally, though, in the next few weeks we’ll be ready to roll! I am deeply moved by all the support and interest in our product. I want to acknowledge the many women who have thanked me for designing these socks. Every personal journey I've followed via blog posts or through an email exchange has become part of this company – and influenced my own personal journey, as well. I feel connected to a much larger sisterhood. It's just really cool.

Given the positive responses, we know there is a need for Lily Trotters and we’re eager and excited to provide it. The potential is unlimited, and we are grateful that you're all behind us. We are doing our best to get you the best, most beautiful socks as soon as we can.

Thank you all; happy trails!

Susan Costa-Walston

Lily Trotters Founder and Designer


  • Lauren

    This deserves a standing ovation! :D

  • Lauren

    (And as long as I’m wearing my LT’s I know my legs will feel great as I’m standing and applauding you. <3)

  • Susan Walston

    Thanks for all the great support, Lauren!

  • Alanna @ Madeleines &amp; Marathons

    I can’t imagine how challenging this has been for you, Susan. I love my LT and I look forward to purchasing several more pairs. I appreciate how hard you strive for quality products. You are awesome and I wish great success for LT!

  • susan

    Thanks, Alanna! I really appreciate the support! July 14th… whew.

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