
While often marketed as gear for athletes or those with specific health conditions, compression socks can offer preventative health benefits for nearly everyone. The following overview of how compression socks work reveals their universal appeal and utility. 

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"Lily Trotters are my new addiction. They make my legs feel refreshed and energized throughout the day...." In this blog post, learn more about how compression can help you the next time you roll out the mat to enjoy a yoga or pilates sequence. Go deeper, hold that pose longer and enter a "flow state" with the help of Lily Trotters compression socks! 

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It's about the time of year when winter begins to feel as if it's never going to let up. Yes, the days are getting longer but temps may not yet be dropping and late-season snowstorms shroud any indication that spring is just around the corner. This cold, gloomy and seemingly endless season can slowly chip away at your motivation to do just about anything. It's important to recognize the potential for the winter blues to grasp hold of you, and take some simple steps to set yourself up for success during these months. We have some tips below.
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